Saturday, August 11, 2012

Leader tracks: in the water. Thoughts on a passage

In Matthew chapter 14 Jesus feeds the five thousand. As a leader, no one compares to Christ. The miracles he did were signs of his authority... that often left him sighing of the fact many people saw these miracles and still didn't believe who he was.

What comes after in Matthew 14:23-32 gives us an idea of spiritual leaderhsip, rest, prayer, and helping foster other spiritual leaders.

A. Matthew 14:22-23; Jesus often, after crouds were dismissed would go to a quiet place to pray.
    1. It says Christ dismissed the twelve "immediately" and stayed apart from them for quite some time, because it also says "Later that night, he was there alone," and the boat was a good distance from the land. Mark 6 says they were in the middle of the lake, and Jesus could see they were straining at the oars. He was within distance to know if they were struggling or not, but they had space from him to try to live their own faith. They were the fishing experts afterall.
    2.It says Christ stayed on this mountainside for a long time. A considerable time for any spiritual leader. I know some ministers who can't go an hour without someone from their congregations giving them a call or asking for assistance in something... so why would Jesus leave his twelve followers... and send them on a lone voyage to Bethsaida?
   3. His followers were trained at what they were doing. Most were fisherman. They were well prepared for the voyage ahead. Jesus gave his twelve a task he knew they could succeed within and this kind of gives them a push in what it means to lead. This was a faith building tool, and Christ was never far behind them. At dawn he headed out to them, walking on water.
B. Matthew 14:25-32; When we are around followers, as spiritual leaders, we need to be able to help people get out of their "spiritual boats"
    1. Peter felt he was ready to step out unto the water. Jesus invited him to do so.
    2. It looks like Peter failed, but he had a healthy place to fail. - Jesus said he would meet them and he meant it. - Even before they got the other side of the lake, because they had been straining against the wind for quite some time. Jesus kept them in sight and in distance to reach them, but also left them to carry out a task they were professionals at.
   3. Jesus had them all at a safe place to fail, to grow and succeed
C. What this means for the leader:
     1. People need to be equipped to handle certain tasks on their own.
     2. Leaders simply need opportunities to get away for a time.
     3. Leaders need to ready to answer the call or check up with their congregations.
     4. Christians need to be introduced to new experiences out of their "boats" or gifts, skills, or professions that will equip them ever more.
     5. They need chances to paddle out with other followers
     6. They need chances to step out and have their faith stretched.
     7. They need reminders of why they worship God, that He is worthy of praise, and that He needs us to not grow stagnant in our walk. - vs. 33
     8. People need a safety net, Vs. 31 "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him..." Petter didn't drown hahah

- Immediately people need to be sent out to be salt, and the be light and to use their gifts vs. 22
- Immediately we need to be ready to be a source of encouragment to them. vs. 27
- Immediately they need to be picked up before they fall. God will never leave or forsake them. vs. 31

- Healthy experiences "whether a failed attempt or successful attempt" can be spiritual triumphs and periods of worship for those involved.

Last but not least... get some rest and then get back to work: vs. 34-36 "When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret. And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him  and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.

Trying to add in vs. 25-27. Don't have anything yet to write beyond "immediately."

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