Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A few thoughts on the riot in Baltimore

1 Kings 19:18 - Elijah learned that not all people of any nationality, race, or ethnicity are evil at any given time. We shouldn't lose faith in a particular people or become scared of them, or generalize about them. But rather we should stand together. There are several good Samaritans, peaceful protesters, and leaders in Baltimore the media isn't showing us because it doesn't make for a good story. Don't believe for a second that God doesn't have black and white Kingdom Citizens in Baltimore. God's kingdom is bigger than those of us looking from the outside. Acts 9:1-19 - Like Saul, not all evil people are hopeless. A good person was sent to remove the scales from Paul's eyes so he could see. Division and hatred can only add scales. Pray for Saul's to become Paul's. Galatians 5:13-15 - The entire law hinges on loving your neighbor. No one wins if we stand up against law breaking, rioting, racial inequalities while devouring each other. The law breaking is the consequence of civil unrest. Civil unrest happens in weak communities. Being a good neighbor helps strengthen and bridge communities. The second greatest commandment cant be upheld with hatred. Don't seek to destroy or tear down one another. The NLT translation says in vs. 15 : "But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another." What often happens with racial tensions, we go from being mad at rioters to being mad at everyone. Even at someone who doesn't have any skin in the game. Be careful enough and gentle enough to not attack your brothers and sisters who may see this civil unrest, and the protesters differently than you do. And yes, the civil unrest and the peaceful protesting don't just go hand and hand. Not every protester is a thief or rock thrower. There is still a real issue at hand in Baltimore that is being overlooked because of the few carrying out the crimes. ‪#‎PrayForBaltimore #‎PrayFortheLeaders‬ ‪#‎PrayForJesus‬ ‪#‎PrayForJesusToCome‬ ‪#‎PrayForTheSauls‬ ‪#‎PrayForGodsPeople‬ 

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